Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Water for Fuel?

Clemmons, N.C., (April 6) Automatic Hybrid, Inc. Explores Using Hydrogen from Drinking Water to Fuel Cars

In North Carolina, Automatic hybrid, Inc. is researching that the water that we drink can also power our vehicles and save a lot of money and our environment. Charley Charles, the president of Automatic hybrid, Inc. discovered that about 15% to 20% of the gasoline we put in our car is actually used to drive. The other percent of the energy is wasted through the exhaust via the catalytic converter that releases toxic emissions into our environment. So basically he is saying that if you put 100 dollars worth of gas, you really only use about 15 dollars of the gas to drive. The hydro-oxygen fuel from the drinking water is added, so every bit of the energy from the gasoline is used. However, Charles states that you can't just put water into your gas tank. First a functional hydrogen generating system needs to be installed in the vehicle. The goal is to help people save money on gas and really help improve our environment.

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