Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Biomass Resource Map

I chose this Biomass Map because I had never heard of it before and it was something new and interesting. My dictionary defined biomass as "plant material, vegetation specifically as a source of fuel or energy." The website that I came across shows many different types of maps, such as wind, solar, and geothermal energy maps. The Biomass Map, though, was interesting to me because as I studied it you could see that in the midwestern part of the United States there is a lot of biomass potential for renewable energy sources. As I understand it, animal and plant waste gives off lots of untapped energy, mostly in the form of gases. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this waste could be used to produce electricity or other forms of usable energy? Maybe someday the gases released in our huge landfills and dumps will be used to power our cities!

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